[nycphp-talk] One more question about Friendly URLS

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Mar 8 18:21:16 EST 2007

Kenneth Downs |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Tom Melendez wrote:
>>> Using an absolute path gets you none of the troubles you mentioned with
>>> relative path, and none of the caching problems you'd get with an
>>> absolute URL.
>> The only trouble I have found with absolute paths is that it makes the
>> assumption of DocumentRoot and where your files are to it.  If all of
>> your environments (dev, staging, qa, production, running off media,
>> whatever) are set up the same way, no problems.
> Yup, this is the only problem.
> I think however I might be ok.  Andromeda tracks the directories that 
> apps are in and can make that known to the app, so it can add the 
> directory to the domain name itself.  Now that I've got the theory 
> down this should be easy enough to do.
ZF has a config as well.

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