[nycphp-talk] DST & cron jobs running an hour late

Néstor rotsen at
Mon Mar 12 11:35:31 EDT 2007

I update my time on my RHEL 3and when I type 'date' on my systems it
is correct, but I noticed that my cron jobs are running
an hour late and my PHP applications that are using
the date command are displaying the time without the change
I did not think that we needed to do anyhting on PHP to deal
with the DST.
This is my php command that causes the problem:
  <?= $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); ?>

My 00-logwatch cron has a perl command
for 'localtime(time)' and that display as 1 hour later
This is what I get now:
 ################### LogWatch 4.3.2 (02/18/03) ####################
       Processing Initiated: Sun Mar 11 05:02:04 2007

This is what I used to get:
 ################### LogWatch 4.3.2 (02/18/03) ####################
       Processing Initiated: Sat Mar 10 04:02:03 2007

Any ideas how to fix this problem.


Néstor :-)
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