[nycphp-talk] PEAR DB vs successors

Rick rick at
Thu Mar 22 16:24:34 EDT 2007

David Mintz wrote:
> A couple of naive questions here. I hear PEAR::DB is deprecated in 
> favor of MDB2. If that's so,
> * does that mean we should definitely use MDB2 instead of DB in new 
> projects that we undertake?
I would use MDB2 over DB personally, or switch to PDO.

> * what is MDB there for?
It was the version before MDB2, and is obsolete.

> * DB had a nice autoExecute(), but its counterpart in MDB2 requires 
> you to tell it the datatype of each parameter. If I intend to use 
> MySQL and not planning to support other backends (except maybe 
> something like SQLite), is there any reason not to lie to it and say 
> that everything is 'text'?  My motivation is Laziness, shorter code, 
> less hard-coded SQL, e.g.:
Laziness is a great motivator in many cases; this is quite possibly the 
worst though.  If you are trying to "work around" prepared queries, then 
don't use them.  Otherwise, use them right. :p  So yes, there's plenty 
of reasons not to lie to it and say everything is 'text,' especially if 
everything _isn't_ text.

>      $db->autoExecute($this->table, $this->data, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 
> $where );
> * Suppose you like the PEAR::Auth module. It supports DB but not its 
> successors. Write your own storage container that wraps MDB2? Is it 
> worth it?
Well if you like PEAR::Auth and plan to switch to MDB2, then it would 
likely be worth it I suppose.

> Thanks,
> -- 
> David Mintz

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