[nycphp-talk] friendly urls (furls) and the gaps

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Mar 23 07:43:21 EDT 2007

Rick wrote:
> You are correct in saying that the URL defines the resource, and the 
> "permanence" (I use that loosely) is quite important really.  The way 
> I translated the question was more or less along the lines of, "say I 
> have this resource, which looks like a folder, is it going to look for 
> an index.html file?"

Yes, that was my meaning.

> As far as AJAX is concerned, that's a touchy subject with me.  I try 
> to make sure that anything I'm serving via AJAX is more-or-less 
> personal to the person requesting it, say a message list or friends 
> list or something, directly related to the person.  There's always 
> elegant fallbacks, and what I tend to use AJAX for (I am using AJAX as 
> a synonym of a XMLHttpRequest object, as opposed to anything else 
> which would be correct) is personal data related to the user currently 
> logged in that isn't important to be indexed.

This has suggested itself to me as well -- AJAX after you're logged in, 
or at very least elegant fallback for the public links.

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