[nycphp-talk] Recursive Help?

Jiju Thomas Mathew lists at
Sun Mar 25 22:57:03 EDT 2007

Hi Joseph,

it is the problem of using list(..) = each
Each - Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the
array cursor

So your list($lat,$lng) = each($coords) will assign $lat = 0 and $lng =
($lat you passed), creating the weird output. Changing the function to as
shown below should clear your woes.

function nextCoord($coords, $usedCoords)
    $lat = (float)$coords[0];
    $lng = (float)$coords[1];

    if(in_array($lat.':'.$lng, $usedCoords))
        $lat += 0.0005;
        $lng += 0.0005;
        return nextCoord(array($lat, $lng), $usedCoords );
    $array = array($lat, $lng);
    print_r($array); // disable this after debug
    // return $array; // enable this after debug

Jiju Thomas Mathew
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