[nycphp-talk] Creating database tables when deploying products

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) ben at
Sat Mar 31 23:34:10 EDT 2007

Hello Paul,

Excellent points. I'm *shamed* .. as stated, "less painful", heh.

I believe Jiju had mentioned using .sql files as well, its a great idea.
I may try that out on my next project.

Up until taking a recent job, our shop only supported mySQL. That's where
all my experiance lies (besides a few months at a MSSQL shop).

But now we need to support MSSQL, and I just ported my SQL
php 4 libs to OOP PHP 5....(guess I'll write these libs right the first 

I suppose I can use PEAR:DB:SQLwhatever, but I'm intimate
what my SQL code and don't want to give it up.

Anyways, thanks again to all!

- Ben

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Houle" <paul at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Creating database tables when deploying products

> Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) wrote:
>>         $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE admin "
>>                 . " (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,"
>>                 . " username varchar(64) default '',"
>>                 . " password varchar(64) default '',"
>>                 . " last_login int(12)   default 0,"
>>                 . " primary key(id, username)"
>>                 . ')';
>>         DBAS_MySQLQuery($sqlStr, $db);
>    Not too bad,  but PHP isn't Java.  you can write multi-line string 
> literals.
> $sqlStr = "
>    CREATE TABLE admin (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>                username varchar(64) default,
>                password varchar(64) default ','
>                last_login int(12)   default 0,
>                primary key(id, username)
>      )";
>    More readable,  less painful.  I'm thinking about this stuff too. 
> There are lots of people who are addicted to visual tools like the 
> "Enterprise Manager" that comes with Microsoft SQL Server.  These have 
> their place,  but you really should be writing DDL (CREATE TABLE, etc.) if 
> you want consistent results.  Historically,  I've written schema files 
> into *.sql files that can be
> * cut and pasted into the MS-SQL "Query Analyser",  or
> * mysql -uuser -p db_name < load_schema.sql
>    The cross database thing is making me think about a different answer. 
> Also lately I've been creating large numbers of repetitive tables,  or 
> groups of tables that all have certain columns (timestamps,  for instance)
>    When it comes to cross database,  however,  you ought to think about 
> the business goal you're after.  It's pretty silly to support all 20 or so 
> relational databases that PHP can connect to.  Most organizations, 
> however,  will have a few databases that are reasonable targets:
> * Mysql and MS-SQL:  the kind of shop that likes to have it both ways with 
> Microsoft and Open Source.  You can ship apps that will keep most people 
> happy.
> * Mysql and Oracle:  good for the Unix shop which has both entrepreneurial 
> projects (install Linux,  start coding) and 'enterprise' systems (ask your 
> boss to ask her boss to ask his boss to ask the DBA to make you a table)
> * Postgresql and MySQL: if you want to please all the open source people 
> you meet
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