[nycphp-talk] form spoofing

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue May 1 12:47:37 EDT 2007

Hi Michael.

Can you think of any good reason to accept a submission via a known open 
proxy? You can grab a maintained open proxy list and use it for a while 
Rolan-style... to tag potential spam as an experiment. Every market is 
different, but in the tech world I see no valid reason to accept 
connections from known open proxies (they are always spam). As a 
competitive SEO, I know of no easier way to automate web connections 
than via open proxies.

Bot nets are still a problem and all the big boys use them so maybe get 
used to a little spam here and there as well.


Michael Southwell |nyphp dev/internal 
group use| wrote:

> I thought I was following best practices ( 
> ) in 
> creating a comment form for a restaurant client (There is no security 
> issue here; the comments are emailed):
> I stored a random token in the session:
> session_start();
> if ( ! isset( $_SESSION['secret'] ) ) $_SESSION['secret'] = uniqid( 
> rand(), TRUE );
> I hid that token in the form:
> <form action="comments.php" method="post" onSubmit="return 
> checkForm(this)">
> <input type="hidden" name="secret" value="<?= $_SESSION['secret'] ?>" />
> Upon submission, I checked for the token:
> if ( $_POST['secret'] !== $_SESSION['secret'] ) die( 'invalid form 
> submission' );
> But I still got obvious spoofed submissions, not very many of them, 
> and all vapid and often nonsensical (a sample: "I consider that beside 
> Your site there is future!"), but still maddening.  So I added a 
> five-minute timeout:
> if ( ! isset( $_SESSION['timeout'] ) ) {
>   $timeout = time() + 5 * 60;
>   $_SESSION['timeout'] = $timeout;
> }
> and checked for that as well:
> $now = time();
> if ( $_POST['secret'] !== $_SESSION['secret'] || $now > 
> $_SESSION['timeout'] ) die( 'invalid form submission' );
> But this hasn't helped much; I still get a few of them, though I can't 
> figure out how they can be generated.  Any advice?
> Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
> New York PHP
> - In-depth PHP Training Courses
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