[nycphp-talk] Support Ticket Sytem

Michael B Allen mba2000 at
Thu May 17 16:35:53 EDT 2007

There are a LOT of support ticket systems around. You might want to
checkout Unfortunately it seems like no particular one
ever never suits your needs (which explains why there are so many).

The support ticket system I always wanted was one that just used IMAP
for everything where the "tickets" where really just emails. So when
someone searched tickets it really just used IMAP to talk to the local
IMAP server. Also there would be a mail processing script to identify
or insert a ticket number in the subject line. Etc. Never found such
a thing.


On Fri, 18 May 2007 01:46:22 +0530
"Aniesh joseph" <anieshjoseph at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to build a Support Ticket Sytem. I need to register for tickets
> through mail.Two task is :
> 1. Whenever I recieved a mail from the clients, I have to register for a
> ticket.
> 2. Read the contents of the mail.
> I am working on LAMP. How can accomplish the two tasks in a PHP-MYSQL? Can
> someone help me ?
> Regards
> Aniesh Joseph

Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory Kerberos SSO

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