[nycphp-talk] PHP Marketing

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu May 24 20:19:55 EDT 2007

Sounds like RoR fanboys in action.  I just got my first chance to  
check this list in the last week and those links aren't active  
anymore... Know an alternate way to get to them?

Other than having to type dollar signs all the time, I think php is  
great :)  I like other languages too... some are much prettier... but  
every time I think I'll start a little project using something  
else... I can't think of a really good reason to spend the extra time  
it would take to do something I know I can do in php almost off the  
top of my head.

What about you, Jon?  If you were to start a new project, are there  
reasons you would choose ruby (or python or java or something) over  
php?  Obviously if a project already exists in another language,  
that's a good reason to keep using it.


On May 17, 2007, at 1:05 PM, Jon Baer wrote:

> Looks like it needs to kick into overdrive ...
> I even saw a "$this->sucks" t-shirt the other day.  What is up with  
> that?
> ;-)
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