[nycphp-talk] Displaying time and date of the client

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Mon May 28 23:23:21 EDT 2007

I'd love to see this.


David Krings wrote:
> Hi!
> After a year on the to do list I finally finished the portion for my 
> script that generates a date and time display - of the client time.
> It requires that the client accepts a cookie, executes ECMAScript (fka 
> JavaScript), and that the client computer time zone is set correctly. 
> The client doesn't need to have the correct time, but the server 
> should. It should compensate correctly for DST and will also work with 
> the 'half' time zones such as the one for New Foundland.
> I don't know how you all feel about unsolicited code postings, so I 
> won't do this right now and ask instead if anyone is interested in 
> this. I find it to be quite clever, although the core piece being the 
> client side script is from a good soul from the ECLUG list. 
> Unfortunately, I do not have the original post anymore, so I cannot 
> nail it down to a person. I asked about it over a year ago, if not 
> longer. A few system crashes and mail clients later....I guess you 
> know these stories.
> David
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