[nycphp-talk] Performance testing advice

Max Gribov max at
Fri Nov 2 13:42:09 EDT 2007

On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 01:28:05PM -0400, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> I have an interesting problem with my site. I?m using Firebug and yslow
> (awesome tool and book) to evaluate my page load times. Things are fairly
> reasonable, given that there has been little optimization so far. But there
> is one strange bug. My first access can take upwards of 30 seconds for
> anything to happen ? just a blank white browser while I wait...and wait...
> After that first hit, things are fine, regardless of whether I use different
> browsers, different PCs, flush caches, etc.
> Its almost like the server is sleeping (remember this is a new site and is
> locked down so its possible that hours may go by between hits). Or maybe
> there are caches, like APC, that need to be filled up. Or Apache is on a
> cigarette break. Or DNS is doing lookup using the yellow pages. I don?t even
> know where to begin to look or what log may hold the key.

May be your code needs to initiate a DB connection? You could try using persistent connections.
DNS lookups could be it too. 

> Any thoughts on how to debug this?
> Cliff
> P.S. My APC cache shows 2 day uptime, 125,000 hits, 500 misses, 99.6% hit
> rate. So this doesn?t look like the problem.

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