[nycphp-talk] Injection Attack, any ideas?

mikesz at mikesz at
Wed Nov 7 07:23:32 EST 2007

Hello David,

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 8:08:27 PM, you wrote:

> mikesz at wrote:

>> Here is the URL :
>> thanks, mikesz

> I am definitely not the code fashion police here, but I have quite some
> problems to figure out what the code does and from where it gets stuff. Some
> more comments other than a sequence of dashes makes ones life much easier,
> especially when coming back later to figure out why stuff went wrong. You
> didn't specify if it was your code, so blame the appropriate party. I make
> sure that I put some comment for at least every two lines. Even when I can't
> figure out what the code does I still know what it is supposed to do.
> I also wonder what the requires at the top do. Do they contain only static
> output or only functions? Or is there code executed before any of this script
> even comes into play. You may want to look in there as well.

> In regards to you problem....uhmmmm, I pass. You need to wait for some smarter
> people to respond.

> David
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HA! I know its pretty awful! Sloppy is much too good to label it. That
is what I inherited. The hackers who did this stuff are on to bigger
and better with a whole range of social networking stuff not much
better than this ...

Best regards,
 mikesz                            mailto:mikesz at

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