[nycphp-talk] Quality Code [was "Injection..."]

Brian D. brian at
Tue Nov 13 10:33:40 EST 2007

> Programmers who write quality code do not write code slower than
> programmers who don't. If anything they produce more lines of code per
> day, and their code does more.

You can certainly write an application, placing your SQL calls, HTML
layout, and everything else all in the same files, ignoring security
problems, and skipping documentation, much, *much* faster than you can
create an application that considers security issues, best practices,
well-documented code, etc.

I know this from experience, when I first made the jump into web-dev
around 200, I was guilty of this sort of thing myself. It's also
something I've had to compete against as a freelancer.

Of course, you're including "clean-up" time, and in that sense, you're
correct. But a lot of businesses don't realize this until long *after*
the fact. What they see is an application that got delivered quickly -
not a hack-job that will cause them severe headaches down the road.
Up-front, crappy code is much faster.

(Slightly off topic but just last Friday I overheard a guy talking to
a potential client [at a conference] and he was asked, "Do you know
PHP?" and replied, "Sure, I do, but I'm waiting for the new version to
come out... PHP 5." It irked me so much that I blogged about it here:
< > )

- Brian Dailey

realm3 web applications []
freelance consulting, application development
(423) 506-0349

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