[nycphp-talk] Injection Attack, any ideas?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Nov 17 00:39:42 EST 2007


On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 12:31:17PM +0800, mikesz at wrote:
> I just noticed that this client has been getting regular injection
> attacks that have been failing because it is a comment spammer and the
> INSERT query is failing on a duplicate key error.

A delayed FYI:

The term "injection attack" generally means "SQL injection attack", hence 
so many people here talking about properly escaping data heading to your 
database.  Sometimes it means "HTML injection attack", leading to others 
talking about how to escape HTML when generating pages.

Sounds like your issue turned out to be a plain old bug / programming 
logic flaw.


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