[nycphp-talk] RESTful PHP Frameworks/Libs

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Nov 28 16:54:50 EST 2007

On Nov 28, 2007, at 4:32 PM, Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) wrote:
> I'm going to be building a RESTful php application and wanted to  
> know if anyone
> has done so and what frameworks or library's they have used. This is  
> purely a web
> service, no UI at all, so I don't think a full blown framework w/ 
> views is necessary.
> A nice REST library for handling HTTP request's and responses is  
> what I'm looking
> for.

The webserver handles implementing most of what's required for a  
RESTful interface.  So... you don't exactly need a framework.  Just do  
the appropriate thing on GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests (which you can  
determine from php's $_SERVER array).

However, you could check out Zend/Rest/Server.php in the  
Zend_Framework.  I haven't used it... but I just glanced through the  
doc and it looks pretty nice:

It doesn't provide a framework for authentication or data persistence  
via a token or anything (like the way the Amazon API works, for  
example).  Not sure if you need that.  It's kind of questionable  
whether or not it's still a RESTful service in that case (as Rusty  
would be sure to point out, I'm sure given that previous discussion  
about sessions).

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