[nycphp-talk] Form action submission trickery

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Nov 30 12:25:36 EST 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> I like to use <form action =²² as a handy (ok, lazy) way to submit to ³self²
> and capture the current URI, including query string. It¹s nice to have this
> info for later processing for idempotent stuff, redirects, etc.
> But, my question ‹ can I count on it?
> The W3C says:
> action = uri [CT]
>     This attribute specifies a form processing agent. User agent behavior
> for a value other than an HTTP URI is undefined.
> I translate this to mean action = ³² is not recommended, although I have
> never experienced a problem in IE or FireFox. From what I have seen, if the
> form method is Œget¹, a duplicate value in the query string will be
> overridden by the form input element. And for posts, php nicely fills both
> the post and get superglobals.
> So can I count of this behavior?

Technically using an empty string for the form action isn't correct,
however you could probably achieve the same effect using:

print '<form method="post" action="?'.
htmlspecialchars(http_build_query($_GET)) .'">

For the record, using PHP_SELF or other URI-related entries in $_SERVER
should be approached with extreme caution, as you never know what you're
likely to find there.



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