[nycphp-talk] neeed help

David Krings ramons at
Mon Oct 1 06:44:13 EDT 2007

birgunj birgunj wrote:
> Dear All,
>  i am uploading ebooks on my website. i want to restrict user from 
> downloading or printing the book.user should only read the document but 
> cant not save or download or printing.
> how do we do  this ? can anybody help me? its very urgent.if any 
> software which can do it, then plz give me the name of that software also.
> thanks to all in advance.
> humayoo
There were many discussions about this in the past months and they all 
resulted to this being a futile attempt. In order to display the content in a 
browser the users have to download the file. This is how the WWW works. 
Printing is as easy by pressing Print Screen. There are some attempts to stop 
caching, obfuscating the real source URL of the file, and some tricks 
disabling the most obvious functions for printing and saving, which may or may 
not work depending on browser used.

As I pointed out back then, you try to solve a management problem with 
technology and that never works. Your ebooks need to be priced right and be of 
such a high quality that the users do want to pay you for them. If that 
doesn't fit your business model, seek out avenues other than online 
distribution. The only good idea that I have is self-desctructing CDs, which 
yet have to be invented.

Good luck, you will need it for what you want to do.


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