[nycphp-talk] Scripting to get a backup of your current MySQL database.

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Oct 3 10:03:40 EDT 2007

On 10/3/07 9:57 AM, "Anthony Wlodarski" <aw at> wrote:

> I was confused on the relevance of this topic but since PHP and MySQL go
> together like PB&J I thought it would be relevant.
> It has gotten to the point that the application that I built for candidate
> tracking is growing astronomically so now I was given the task of backing up
> our data.  So far our Apache/Drupal installation is backed up and SCP¹ed to a
> secure server.  My one big problem is backing up our MySQL database.  Does the
> script ³mysqlhotcopy² have the same drawback as just copy the files manually
> (frm, MYD, MYI) in the sense that the server can¹t be updating anything.  To
> be honest I can¹t guarantee that no one in the office will not be using the
> system at certain times so it might present a problem.  Would it be easier to
> just to script something that follows this logic:
> Pre: rename index.php, copy in temp file with downtime message
> 1.)   Stop daemon.
> 2.)   Copy all the table files *.frm, *.MYD, *.MYI files, tar/gzip them
> 3.)   SCP archive offsite
> 4.)   Delete temp folder
> 5.)   Restart daemon.
> Post: delete temp file, rename file back to index.php
> Is it unrealistic for my office to expect 100% uptime, even at 3:30 am in the
> morning (those whacky recruiters).
> Anthony Wlodarski
> aw at
> First off, what engines do you use? Mysqlhotcopy does not work for the Innodb
> engine.

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