[nycphp-talk] [OT] FFMPEG & LAME

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Wed Oct 10 10:56:54 EDT 2007


Good points.

I've gotten ffmpeg to work on the .avi's, but I've yet to try it on .mpeg's.

I'll take a look into the credit based conversion.
I haven't noticed problems w/the sample video, but I've only done a few.
I won't start seeing problems until other people are using it. = ]

> Also, please note that FLVTOOL is very important in making flash videos. 
> Basically, without getting technical(cause I have no clue what it is),
> the flv file you get from ffmpeg is gonna be one loooong file where you 
> have to start at the beginning and go to the end to view a file.  No fast 
> forwarding, no rewinding.

I don't seem to be having that problem w/the converted videos.
We have a flash player we've developed ourselves.

 They use similar programs and run into the same
> problems - so if you can demonstrate that Youtube can't convert the video, 
> you will find people a lot more understanding of why their free/low cost 
> app won't do it.

Great point.

> with ffmpeg when it becomes economically justifiable(ie you are willing to 
> put the hours in to troubleshooting again and again when problems crop 
> up).

Wish I knew what a problem it was before I fell into the trap of deliverying
a working application.


- Ben

Ben Sgro, President
ProjectSkyLine - Defining New Horizons
+1 718.487.9368 (N.Y. Office)

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: <bz-gmort at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [OT] FFMPEG & LAME

> Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) wrote:
>> Good morning,
>>  Super off topic, but since this list is one of my best resources for 
>> help,
>> I figured I'll try here.
>>  I've spent a lot of time on google and can't seem to figure out the 
>> problem.
>>  I have a PHP app that is converting .avi's to .flvs. I'm using ffmpeg 
>> and lame.
>>  I've built ffmpeg w/libmp3lame support enabled, to encode to .mp3 for 
>> the .flv
>>  However, I don't know much about this stuff, and I can't seem to figure 
>> out the correct
>> parameters. The online documentation for ffmpeg is lacking.
> It's not so much lacking, as there are so many different parameters that 
> are format specific, and many that you would only use for a particular 
> combination, that it is a waste of time to try to document it all when 
> they can be working on making the next version.
> Generally, I find it easiest when working with ffmpeg to find someone else 
> that wants to do what I want and start with a known working formula.
> For example, converting to flash is a web thing.
> People running personal DVR's do a lot of Flash conversion.
> So if you search for Mythweb and FLV you will get a lot of hits on people 
> who want to convert their MythTV recorded videos to FLV.
> Here is a simple howto, give it a try:
> Also, please note that FLVTOOL is very important in making flash videos. 
> Basically, without getting technical(cause I have no clue what it is),
> the flv file you get from ffmpeg is gonna be one loooong file where you 
> have to start at the beginning and go to the end to view a file.  No fast 
> forwarding, no rewinding.
> FLVTOOL adds some "bookmarks" to allow you to jump forward and back in the 
> flash player.
> FFMPEG is not always as forgiving of poorly packaged audio/video as a 
> video player(VLC, Windows Media, Realplayer, etc).  Which leads to loads 
> of headaches when someone has a file that plays fine, but after conversion 
> is missing the last 5-15 seconds of audio or video or both! In such a 
> situation, one thing to do is to upload the video to Google video or 
> Youtube.  They use similar programs and run into the same problems - so if 
> you can demonstrate that Youtube can't convert the video, you will find 
> people a lot more understanding of why their free/low cost app won't do 
> it.
> There are a couple of services to convert videos to flash(or convert from 
> any format to any format) where you submit your video and they email you a 
> link or some such.  There was one I used that was credit based, so they 
> had a relatively intelligent API for doing the conversion - this moves the 
> conversion off of your responsibility and onto someone else, but it costs 
> something like 10 cents per video.  For medium traffic sites or proof of 
> concepts, I'd start with them and only deal with ffmpeg when it becomes 
> economically justifiable(ie you are willing to put the hours in to 
> troubleshooting again and again when problems crop up).
> For extremely low volume, use Super to do the translation offline on a PC 
> and just upload Flash videos.
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