[nycphp-talk] [OT] FFMPEG & LAME

csnyder chsnyder at
Wed Oct 10 12:47:44 EDT 2007

On 10/10/07, bz-gmort at <bz-gmort at> wrote:

> Also, please note that FLVTOOL is very important in making flash videos.
>   Basically, without getting technical(cause I have no clue what it is),
> the flv file you get from ffmpeg is gonna be one loooong file where you
> have to start at the beginning and go to the end to view a file.  No
> fast forwarding, no rewinding.
> FLVTOOL adds some "bookmarks" to allow you to jump forward and back in
> the flash player.

This seems to have been fixed in recent versions of ffmpeg. Hmm, it
seems I'm using the latest snapshot, so it might not be in any

The only problem I still experience with flv encoding under ffmpeg is
an audio pop at the end of some videos. Otherwise it works great, and
is impressively (even scarily) fast.

Chris Snyder

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