[nycphp-talk] 40 Tips for optimizing your php Code

Mark Armendariz lists at
Tue Oct 16 08:17:10 EDT 2007

Christopher M Mancini wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not familiar with this site or its author?  Is this list 
> credible?  Because some of the things on there I have never heard before.
Looks to be a summary of a bunch of other php optimization articles.  
I've seen most of these tips in one form or another in the past.  Though 
a lot of these will give you minimally incremental speed increases, 
optimization tends to be application specific.  Nothing beats profiling 
an entire application and speeding up the slowest areas.

Besides caching, following all of these points, you might shave a few ms 
off of every request, but if you rewrite a slow database layer or slow 
template engine or properly index your database and optimize your 
queries (as Dan mentioned), you may very well notice speed increases in 
multiples of 10 and 100.


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