[nycphp-talk] [ANNOUNCE] Various Andromeda Announcements

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Oct 16 15:28:42 EDT 2007

Hello everybody,

I have a handful of announcements about Andromeda, the database 
application framework for PHP.

First, I have created an alpha version of a very exciting new user 
interface design and concept.  Heavily ajax-based, it aims to beat the 
desktop for usability.   The main thrust is heavy use of the keyboard, 
and having events happen in realtime.  So if a user is on the "First 
Name" box and hits "F", it pulls the first 15 rows where the name starts 
with "F", no need to click "Search" or anything like that.  We put in 
things that desktop users expect, like arrow keys!  Hit SHIFT-UPARROW 
and it sorts on the column you are on, stuff like that.

The new UI is in alpha, I believe there is enough there to see what it 
is about.  We are looking for volunteers to help get it going in IE 
(Right now only firefox) and to round out the design ideas and finish it 

The live demo is at:  If you just 
login, then go to the "new x4 version" link and hit the number 0, it 
should be self-explanatory from there.

Next, I've modified the main Andromeda page to get the long-overdue news 
articles features.  So bookmark the Andromeda page and check back at least once/week, 
there will be a lot of announcements coming out.

Third, I've added HELP WANTED postings over at the sourceforge site:  If you want to help but 
don't know what to do, that will get you started.

Fourth, we have our first unofficial code contributor down here on Long 
Island who has been working with Andromeda and giving me tweaks.  More 
on that once he gets back from vacation and "goes public" as it were.

More later!

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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