[nycphp-talk] Framework SIG lists?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Oct 21 16:35:10 EDT 2007

Mitch Pirtle |nyphp dev/internal group use| 

>On 10/19/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
>>Just curious, is there any interest out there to maybe(?) create
>>local framework-specific lists (SIGs) around CakePHP, Zend, Symfony,
>>etc.  Or would it be better to just post to Talk w/ something in the
>>subject [Zend] to signify the topic better or would that annoy everyone?
>I like the subject idea and will do it anyway in the hopes others find
>it helpful.
>Another idea - why not have one NYPHP meet centered around frameworks,
>and have a framework-fest of sorts? I'd love to see a handful of
>people talk about their experiences, compare notes with others and see
>what some of the advantages/disadvantages are between them.
>-- Mitch

It's most relevant to PHP IMHO.


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