[nycphp-talk] automatic redirection of PHP script

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Oct 23 07:34:58 EDT 2007

Another option ...

switch(TRUE) {
   case($cost < 100): include("a.php"); break;
   case($cost > 1000): include("b.php");  break;
   default: break;

- Jon

On Oct 23, 2007, at 4:13 AM, PaulCheung wrote:

> Hi
> I was wondering if anybody knows? I am sure that others must have  
> encountered this in the past. What I am trying to accomplish is a  
> conditional exit from the current script,  go to and execute  
> another script without any manual intervention. Using the following  
> pseudo code, I am fully aware it is not elegant but it serves to  
> explain what I want to accomplish.
> If $Cost  <  100 goto and execute script-a.php
>    else
>          if $Cost  >  1000 goto and execute script-b.php
>             else
>                   carry on;
> Normally I would be happy to supply real PHP coding but  
> unfortunately I do not know how to execute what I want to.
> Paul
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