[nycphp-talk] opening files

David Krings ramons at
Thu Oct 25 18:37:01 EDT 2007

selyah wrote:
> Hello Folks:
> I am still relatively new with php and am enjoying it very much.  I am 
> creating a html script to show images  on a page.  instead of creating a 
> source image for  all of the images, i would like to incorporate a php 
> script that would "go" to the file location where all of the images are 
> and display them.  I wrote a script but it does not work.  Any help or 
> ideas ?  thanks
> new guy

You'd need to provide some code samples for us to give you some advice. Also, 
what do you consider the difference between "creating a source image" and "go 
to the location where all of the images are and display them"? I'd establish a 
place where all images are (as appears to be given in your case), then write a 
script that creates pages with <img> tags that point to the image in the 
specific location.

I created and still work on a very similar system with a database backend that 
allows for quite complex searches and a bunch of other stuff.

Basically, you need to tell us what you did so that we can tell you what you 
did wrong.


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