[nycphp-talk] how did you learn php?

Jiju Thomas Mathew lists at
Wed Sep 5 02:32:53 EDT 2007

On 8/27/07, Anthony <speel3k at> wrote:
> Hey, i'm kinda new around here and just tinkering around with php. My
> question to you guys is how did you learn? by reading or by taking apart
> scripts and adding your own style or what? I'm very curious.
Well It was real great to see all those replies. And could not resist to add
my own views.

I started doing php on a fury, to prove that php was better than jsp, no
flames, and I dont want to hurt anyone. At that time I just had experience
in perl cgi, and wanted to switch somehow, due to the hype php was getting.

My first project was a fully written community site just for the hero honda
cbz users, since we had a handful in our neighbourhood. Well it was real
tough, when starting with a personal project, but I myself being the project
owner, I could decide on what features and where to cut corners.  The
biggest lifesaver was the dynamic function reference at,
which I had stated to rsync to my office once a week longback. And to admit
it, once done it was a piece of hell. From then on there was no turning

Currently I am mostly doing code reviews, guiding new recruits and doing

Jiju Thomas Mathew
Technology Officer, Saturn Systemwares Pvt Ltd
Gayathri, Technopark, Trivandrum,  Kerala, India
Mob: 91 94470 47989   Tel : +91 471 3255001
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