[nycphp-talk] WebServer Probs - OT?

jessica kelly jkelly at
Tue Sep 11 12:12:38 EDT 2007

Hi Everyone

I am having problems with a webserver and a xampp type setup. I need to find some free or near free monitoring tool to see the process (apache php mysql mailclient etc...) load on the server, any processes that may be tying up the server/cpu and anything else that may help point out the problem. It's a older Win box and I have access to a Linux box if I need to run it on Linux with a client on the win box.

I have looked at Nagios & Cacti but I'm not sure it does what I'm looking for or if there even close to what I need. I'm getting over whelmed with the choices that turn up in a search.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to what software may works.


Jessica Kelly

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