[nycphp-talk] ORM anyone?

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Sep 11 16:21:30 EDT 2007

On 9/11/07, LK <lk613m at> wrote:

> Please help me in overcoming a mental block about this wonderful thing
> called ORM.

ORM is a concept, not a defined system. It may help to get your
questions answered if you say whether you are using an existing
framework or designing your own.

> 1. if my database contains thousands of authors and 100's of thousands of
> books, I have to 1) create each new object 2) assign each field value to it
> and 3) save it, and do this for 100's of thousands of records? Somehow that
> just does not make sense, since the records are already in the database, why
> do I have to save(..) them again?

You could think of it as exporting records from your existing database
into your new object model. It's a one-time operation across all of
your data.

> 2. If I have an existing database with 100's of thousands of rows already
> populated, how does ORM know which record corresponds to which php object?
> In other words, how do I just start using existing mysql records as php
> objects?

It doesn't. You create those relations as you build and store the new objects.

> 3. If an existing database has many relations between tables, how do I form
> complex joins between them using ORM?

Depends on the system.

If you have an existing database with complex relations, why are you
considering breaking it by migrating to something new?

Chris Snyder

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