[nycphp-talk] Apache document root location question

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Thu Sep 27 16:51:58 EDT 2007

On 9/27/07 4:42 PM, "Mitch Pirtle" <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:

> On 9/27/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>> Should I just make my application htdocs dir the new document root? Or
>> should I make a symbolic link, alias, redirect or virtual host (always get
>> confused about which to use since they seem to achieve the same thing)? Or I
>> guess I could move my entire application to /srv/www, which would keep the
>> hierarchy intact.
>> Thoughts? Want to get this right for production....
> I'd just make that the docroot for that virtualhost. Symlinks always
> seems to get phaclemped one way or another.
> -- Mitch

I guess that would be the way to go, using IP-based virtual hosts so I  can
use SSL. Virtualhosts would give me flexibility in the future to have
subdomains, etc.

One though I had was to do this: Alias / /newfilepath But that effectively
kills the main document root. 

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