[nycphp-talk] Not-so-subtle attack on PHP

Kenneth Downs ken at
Fri Sep 28 07:05:53 EDT 2007

Elliotte Harold wrote:
> Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> In SQL Injection, the user accesses some table they are not supposed 
>> to access.  This can only be done if the application connects to the 
>> database as some generic user, where that generic user can do 
>> anything it wants.
> Not always. Sometimes it's about accessing a row they're not supposed 
> to access, 

You are correct that row level and column level security are required to 
completely finish the picture (not something I was going to bring up in 
a first post).  I wasn't going to go that deep in a first exposition.  
In fact, the complete resolution down to cell-level security is in 
theory the final story.

Andromeda supports row-level and column-level security precisely for 
this reason.  I have one customer in particular for whom that is the 
most used feature.

But it remains true that the entire security model of a table-based 
system is security privileges on the tables (including rows and 
columns).  Everything else /resolves to this in the end/.  For this 
reason we also don't use or need any stored procedures, as they 
complicate the security picture without adding benefit.  By implementing 
security directly on tables and making use of triggers we have the 
tightest possible encapsulation of data and code.

Finally, you ain't never going to do better in code, because the 
possibilities for latent errors are too high.  By contrast, direct 
assignments to tables, being the /final action required anyway/, are the 
easiest to work out and assign, and the easiest to document and verify.  
Code-based solutions don't come close to providing the security you need.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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