[nycphp-talk] PHP 5.3 / Namespaces

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Sep 29 19:29:15 EDT 2007

So according to a few (kinda old) blogs, etc, in 5.3 we should be  
able to accomplish something like this (correct me if Im wrong, Ive  
only poked through latest php-src):

     import MyCoolLibrary as MCL;
     echo MCL::Version;

Just curious, does importing again as MCL create a stack or does it  
throw an exception?  If it is stacked this would give you a mixin  
like capability wouldn't it?

Either way I'd think it was possible if this is true:

6) Calls to qualified functions are resolved at run-time. Call to
A::B::foo() first tries to call function foo() from namespace A::B, then
it tries to find class A::B (__autoload() it if necessary) and call its
static method foo()

- Jon
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