[nycphp-talk] Bizarro Bug -- AHA!!!!!!!

Steve Manes smanes at
Wed Apr 2 12:14:08 EDT 2008

Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Glad you figured it out.
> Let me emphasize what was said in my prior email:
> You need to use your own function for running the SQL rather than calling 
> mysql_query() directly throughout the code.  Then your central function 
> can have a logging/debugging option.

I generally wrap all database calls in API functions specific to the 
task being performed, i.e. get_patient_referrals_list(), 
put_private_transport_segment(), update_clinic_demographic().  That way 
the logging is specific to the task and any specialized processing that 
needs to be done to the data can be done in one place.

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