[nycphp-talk] Website Data Encryption tools

Joe Leo joeleo724 at
Sun Apr 6 11:17:20 EDT 2008

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your reply and comments.... I am not so much looking to have data
encrypted from the user. But, encryption on the "server side".... For
example, I want to be able to
encrypt a web site folder and DB and upload to my hosting provider and know
the data is
safe but will continue to serve users as normal.

I just read about TrueCrypt ( which is Open
Source. This could be what I am looking for. Anyone use TrueCrypt?


On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:

> Joe Leo wrote:
> > I am trying to research about using website/data encryption methods or
> > approaches out there. Any tools that allows the web site data & db to be
> > encrypted. I've read about HTML protector ( -
> > Anyone
> > use this type of tool?
> > What are the open source tools that can do this - if any? What are the
> > performance considerations? And, how would this type
> > of encrytion affect search engine rankings?
> >
> Joe,
> This is a fools errand, in order for a web browser to display your page it
> must be able to download the html and assets (images, css, etc).
> I took a quick look at 'html-protector' and was less than impressed. The
> 'protection' consists of using javascript to write the page from an
> obfuscated string.  The 'password prompt' is javascript also, and the
> password is present in the source.
> The cost of all this 'security'? The page is invisible to search engines
> and won't work at all for people with javascript disabled.
> If you want to obfuscate your html you can certainly make it (slightly)
> more difficult for people to 'Save Page As...', but the html is always going
> to be out there.
> Dan
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