[nycphp-talk] Website Data Encryption tools

Joe Leo joeleo724 at
Sun Apr 6 12:29:54 EDT 2008

> Well, you could wrap everything into PHP and use one of these PHP
> obfuscators.

Well, I am not much of a php/programmer and don't know how and what it means
to "wrap everything into php".

Still, I wonder why you want to do that? Do you distrust your hosting
> company that much? In that case I'd look for a different provider.

Well, I am just looking into a solutions to encrypt data. The question as to
why I would want to do that is not the question - But, thanks for asking.

What are you trying to protect and who are you protecting it against?

I'm looking to protect data/information that could be the software code
and/or customer's client info.. Protection should be from anyone who does
not need to have access to the website data or the DB... Of course, data
will be shown to users (web client) who has been given access to view this
data from the application.

What I am interested in is to find the most effective and most secure way to
upload my website & db to remote host and the data is fully protected by

I will look into the ionCube suggested earlier - Though this seems to be a
PHP only base solution. From what I gather, a product like TrueCrypt could
be better as I can encrypt an entire volume or folder and it's done -
Regardless of type of code or application that exist or being encrypted.

I know many software type companies package there software where either
partially or fully the code is encrypted and protected. This is the similar
type of solution I guess I am looking for.


On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 11:46 AM, Daniel Convissor <
danielc at> wrote:

> Joe:
> On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 10:15:34AM -0400, Joe Leo wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to research about using website/data encryption methods
> What are you trying to protect and who are you protecting it against?
> --Dan
> --
>  T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
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