[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

André Pitanga andre at
Mon Apr 14 15:35:26 EDT 2008

David Krings wrote:
>> But in that case, couldn't a malicious candidate grab code from 
>> somewhere?
> They of course would need to be able to explain it. If they can do 
> that, who cares from where they copied it unless it violates licensing 
> terms.

Oh, of course, they'd have to explain it...

You know, this is actually the best idea. Because I myself can explain 
code about an order of magnitude more complex than I'm able to produce, 
on the spot, while nervous, etc...
And after all, in this day and age of mash-ups, open-source apps, etc, 
isn't understanding the code what matters? Right on...


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