[nycphp-talk] webmaster test (update)

tedd tedd at
Tue Apr 15 10:20:48 EDT 2008

>tedd wrote:
>>No, I had not read that -- but the article drives home the point I 
>>was making in that it's very difficult to test a person's ability 
>>to program.
>And it is definitely language specific. Tackling a problem in PHP 
>may be way easier than using Assembler.

True, and assembler is easier than machine -- which I've done.

But after all is said and done the key is being able to vision things 
in a certain way that is not typical for the majority of people.

>That is probably true for the pure logic, but I tried pretty much 
>any programming environment I could get my hands on and I failed in 
>all but two. One was the now defunct VB6 and the other one is PHP. I 
>tried Java and C/C++ and they are just way too complicated.

All complications can be resolve in time. If you work with it long 
enough, you'll see the commonality between all languages.

>>Some of the top programmers I ever met, had no formal education. 
>>Explain that.
>The top programmers understand the business and therefore know the 
>expectations. -snip-

Now you're talking about the definition of a "top programmer" and on 
that, we could discus for ages.  :-)

>That written, I really should get back to work....

Same here -- nice discussion.



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