[nycphp-talk] Why IT Sucks

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Thu Apr 17 09:23:42 EDT 2008

 >  No sane engineer would actually choose to be a web developer.

Save for the fact that this is where a majority of the growth in
software engineering has been happening for the past 8 years. Despite
all the whining and moaning, this is where IT is at! During my last
job search, LAMP developers were regarded as the golden children,
eternally blessed and desired. According to the hiring agency (I know,
evil hiring agencies)  I worked through, they couldn't try hard enough
to find LAMP developers, it's all people were asking for.  Web is here
to stay, almost all new projects / companies are centered around web
technologies. We have all hit the jackpot, if you don't like your
current situation, I suggest you take a harder look at all of the
opportunity to be had.

- jake

PS, The one field that the hiring agency wasn't looking for? Finance.

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