[nycphp-talk] Re: Why IT Sucks

Jason Scott JasonS at
Thu Apr 17 10:29:09 EDT 2008


Things are going very well, thanks. Growing like crazy, made some very exciting acquisitions, and building out some really nice new tools and features, have a whole new team made up of a bunch of great guys, and who are producing some very solid code and designs. It is nice to watch a true team environment coming together at IA.

Say the word and I will attend the next meeting. I want to meet all these people who's posts I have been reading for the last 6 months.

And I mean what I said, too, I'd love to sit down and talk for a bit if you're interested, I'll buy lunch! :-)

As for the rest of you, several hours have passed now, and not one resume, phone call, or email. Who were the folks saying they couldn't find the good positions again? ;-)

What a strange hiring market this is proving to be.

And while we're on the subject let me point one more frustration that I've been experiencing when it comes to LAMP developers - at the risk of being overly general, MOST ARE SIMPLY NOT DEVELOPERS! If I had a dime for everyone I've come across who claims to have built ecommerce sites, but using OS Commerce. Who claimed to have built corporate websites, but using Drupal. Who claimed to have built social networking and/or blog sites, but using Wordpress or some similar package. Hate to break the news, but - IMO - that is not what makes a developer. 

Now, I'm not saying that you have to recreate the wheel every time, but you do have to understand how to build the wheel if needed. Even now when I show many LAMP developers a new application or program I wrote, the first question I get asked is, "That's really neat! Where did you find it?"

Where did I find it? :-)

Maybe part of the problem is that there are so many available - albeit crappy - pre-built packages out there that the community at large is using the word "developer" too freely? IMO, there is a big difference between developers and - I don't know - "implementers"? 

Implementers can hack together downloaded code (80% of the market); developers can create what doesn't already exist (20% of the market); true developers are only happy when creating what doesn't already exist (5% of the market); and true, talented developers can create what doesn't already exist, and make it secure, scalable, simple, and practical (1% of the market, if that).

True, talented developers should have no trouble finding satisfying and lucrative employment, with benefits, bonuses, the whole nine. And I reiterate - again - my previous offer, if you are a true, talented developer, and you are having trouble, CALL ME :-)


Jason Scott | Chief Information Officer

233 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10279 
Ph: 212.509.5218 ext 226 | Fax: 866-797-0971 

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jake McGraw
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:03 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Re: Why IT Sucks

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Biermann, Gary (02940)
<gary.biermann at> wrote:
> Speaking from the side of the "Evil Ones", and having been one here in
> Manhattan for a few years now, I would have to agree with Jake and Jason.
> In the last 1.5 years even surprisingly average developers are getting
> multiple offers with in a week of being on the market and most of them are
> using multiple recruiters.  At the agency I work for we have not had no less
> then 3 PHP development positions that we were trying to fill at any one time
> for the last year.  If you asked me 4 years ago I wouldn't have known what
> PHP was.  If are are looking for higher paying work, my advise would be to
> do some research on which skills are in most demand.  Us "Evil Ones" tend to
> have that info readily available.
> Gary Biermann

In case anyone doubts what Gary is saying, I would like to add that he
got me my first job out of college two years ago, when I had only
cursory PHP experience, as, you guessed it, a software developer
working primarily in PHP.

- jake
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