[nycphp-talk] Re: Serial communication in Mac OS X

Ben Sgro ben at
Thu Apr 17 20:10:04 EDT 2008

Hey Corey,

The robotics application I'm working on is a SRV1 from trossenrobotics. 
It's a really neat little device.
I actually DONT use the serial stuff now that I have wifi working, I 
know use that to communicate w/the device.

The RXTX link I provided has decent information on using the Java Serial 

I didn't write this application, I'm just making alterations to the open 
source console java application for the SRV1.
We could chat off list and I'd be more than happy to offer any help.

Rolan's comments about making a C program is probably your best bet. C 
will be able to do that no problem.

- Ben

I also did some programming for a hardware RFID reader from 
TrossenRobotics as well. Did that in C, which
then calls system("whatever.php") and does the db processing, etc; 
Sometimes you just can't get it done in php... = ]

Corey Fogarty wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Yup, tried sudo. I still get a hang...
> How complex would it be for me to implement the Java you are working 
> on... I cant believe there isn’t a Unix command line serial 
> communication system that just accepts arguments and spews them across 
> the serial port... Course I guess it isn’t all that easy. There would 
> have to be a buffer for incoming as well...
> Thank you for your help!
> Corey
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