[nycphp-talk] [OT?] inconsistent html email display

David Mintz david at
Fri Apr 18 11:56:28 EDT 2008

Hey everybody

My script builds and sends and HTML email using Zend_Mail. The resulting
email shows up fine in some email clients but not others. On gmail and
Thunderbird it's fine. On Yahoo! email it doesn't (for some browsers,
apparently). The body contains a bi-columnar HTML table, as in label =>
value. In some clients (some), the labels are there, but the values appear
empty. When you examine the source, however, the values are right there!
They are just not displaying. I have run the output through,
and it is valid xhtml transitional.

I had a user complain that the data column was empty on Yahoo! with IE 7.
She forwards the offending message to my own Yahoo, and it displays (in
Firefox 2).

It is the weirdest damn thing I have encountered in a while. I can't figure
out what I am doing wrong -- if anything. Any ideas?

PS Curse not just IT, but all things technological.  Let's all go off the
grid and subsistence-farm and hunt and gather for a living.

David Mintz

The subtle source is clear and bright
The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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