[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Apr 18 17:23:22 EDT 2008

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, Kristina Anderson wrote:

> My question to you Urb:  Would you consider me, a person with a non-CS 
> university degree (B.A.), and 10 years of actual paid experience, to 
> be "self taught" or merely "non traditionally formally educated"...?
> It's true that the skills to be a good programmer were learned "in the 
> field" and not in a classroom but isn't that true of everyone?  And to 
> say "self taught" is to really underestimate the contributions of very 
> brilliant people I have learned from over the years including one Dr. 
> Jerry A. who posts to this list, and many others.

I would also say, that many "professions" require practical experience in 
the field. Doctors have internships. Architects have to work for a firm 
for a certain length of time, etc etc. That looks like on-the-job training 
to me. Certainly a programmer that has a degree and has several years of 
paid experience ought to be considered a professional of some kind.


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