[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+Developer

Kristina Anderson ka at
Tue Apr 22 12:34:40 EDT 2008

>I am still in the camp that PHP programmers like realtors,
> financial planners should have an association approved path and tool 
> that ultimately will have more knowable and strongly negotiable pay
> scale.

YES!!  Yes yes yes.

Realistically speaking, though, nobody is going to like being "strongly 
urged" to use a particular framework or a particular code base.  And 
that's cool -- because we will always find ways to make the programming 
process "our own" and do it the way we feel is best, on a case by case 

But as Peter pointed out, the cert is not really meant to lock us in 
to "standards", it's important so that we are able to say "I'm a 
certified PHP programmer and certified programmers get $XYZ per hour" 
and have the power to back that up when the suit types decide we might 
be a cost sink, or that we don't need a lot of money because "don't 
programmers all wear stained T shirts and exist on Pizza and computer 
games..."!   [N.B. It's quite true that I do eat a lot of pizza and 
enjoy playing computer games, especially the antique arcade variety, 
but that's not ALL I need!.]

With regard to Zend, I haven't used it yet but did some cursory reading 
on it today after seeing this thread...and it looks very interesting.  
Of particular value, I think, is the session & application state 
handling (which is always a huge chore and can lead to mental agony 
over "the very best way to handle it in this case") -- standardizing 
this into best practice could be huge.  I'd like to get a chance to 
work with some of this, and also the JSON/AJAX stuff ...I had an 
opportunity to work with JSON a couple years ago but not since then.

I did use PEAR::SOAP recently while working with some Amazon AWS stuff 
and found the code to be very understandable and well documented.  
Ultimately we discovered we did not need the PEAR::SOAP & could use 
PHP's built in SOAP, but I would definitely recommend this SOAP API for 
its ease of use.


> I believe that all of the informal industry-standard acknowledgements
> and accolades that you call for in your note have already been
> informally applied to all the entities that you mention and that this
> informal approved/sanctioned condition has existed for years for PEAR,
>, et al. This has not successfully gelled into a
> reliable, knowable, useable set of standards that makes it possible 
> programmers and managers to have a quantifiable standard to work up to
> and within. I am still in the camp that PHP programmers like realtors,
> financial planners should have an association approved path and tool 
> that ultimately will have more knowable and strongly negotiable pay
> scale. Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-
bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Scott Mattocks
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:47 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the
> PHP+Developer
> Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> > It seems we (I mean PHP programmers) have all the tools and
> instruments
> > already at our fingertips for more formalizing the study and
> application
> > of PHP, we'd just have to agree to ring our wagons around what we've
> got
> > on hand.
> Instead of trying to force a few applications, repositories and 
> into positions they are not ready for, would it not be better to 
> organize efforts to contribute to those which are best suited to take 
> those positions in the near future? A defacto standard is much more 
> powerful than an appointed standard.
> Instead of trying to convince everyone that PEAR is the best place to 
> get reusable code, why not contribute to PEAR and remove all doubt? 
> Instead of forcing everyone to sign up for a proprietary 
> that does not have community support, why not create an open 
> certification group that has the support of the community and gains 
> community respect because of it? Don't just name user groups as 
> something a programmer should be a member of, make them so valuable 
> (through contributions of experience) that one will be foolish not to 
> sign up.
> If you can get a large group of people to take those steps, your 
> of a well respected and formally recognized best practices and 
> applications will follow.
> -- 
> Scott Mattocks
> Author: Pro PHP-GTK
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