[nycphp-talk] shipping price calculation

Alex Natskovich alex at
Fri Apr 25 12:34:31 EDT 2008

Hello all ;)

I am building some custom software and one of its modules will need to 
calculate shipping price given the shipping method, weight, possibley 
size and zip codes. Now, I've found a handy Perl modules in CPAN 
(Bussiness::Shipping) that pretty much cover that thing for UPS, USPS 
and FedEx. However, there is nothing for DHL, and I will need that as well.

So, the question is, does anyone know how similar things could be 
implemented in PHP? Are there modules around that do that already?
If, not would building that thing in Perl and exposing it via SOAP would 
be a good idea? Application is pretty big and potentially will require 
to perform well given a solid load... and I am not quite sure SOAP-thing 
would be able to accommodate it?

Best regards, Alex

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