[nycphp-talk] PHP Bcc Headers

bzcoder bzcoder at
Mon Aug 4 14:55:54 EDT 2008

(Margaret) Michele Waldman wrote:
> I call a mail function with bcc and from in the header.
> It worked fine on my development server, but when I copied the code to 
> production, the headers stopped working.
> Does anyone know if there’s something that has to be set in the 
> environment for headers to work?
It all depends on how your PHP mail server configuration and your mail 
server itself is configured. There are a lot of variables there that 
makes life difficult when using the built in mail() function.

I highly recommend that, unless your like me and love to twiddle with 
your email server configuration to get things working 'just so', that 
you use either SwiftMailer, or PHPMailer

Configure them to connect to your SMTP server using your user account 
and password for authenticated email and let them handle all the issues.

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