[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - time to retire the Thinkpad t42p... anyone know Lenovo's t61p?

Ben Sgro ben at
Fri Aug 8 19:19:29 EDT 2008


I'm rocking a Lenovo T61 w/Ubuntu - entry level model, no extras. Works 
well, APM and all the function key's work! amazing.

Overall, its a pretty solid laptop. However, I only use if for robotics 
research and gcc related stuff. Battery life and screen brightness are good.
I love the thinkpad keyboard mounted mouse.

My everyday is a MBPro. = ]

- Ben

inforequest wrote:
> On the (excellent) advice of the PHP community almost 4 years ago, I 
> bought a Thinkpad t42p. I still love it but it's time to plan retirement.
> Can anyone recommend the Lenovo t61p as a replacement, or is there 
> something clearly better? No, I'm not going to switch to a mac. Thanks.
> -=john
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