[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - time to retire the Thinkpad t42p... anyone know Lenovo's t61p?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Aug 8 21:53:44 EDT 2008

> On the (excellent) advice of the PHP community almost 4 years ago, I
> bought a Thinkpad t42p. I still love it but it's time to plan retirement.
> Can anyone recommend the Lenovo t61p as a replacement, or is there
> something clearly better? No, I'm not going to switch to a mac. Thanks.

I'm not paid, but I would definitely go with another Lenovo.  I have the
T61P and the only thing I'm waiting for is getting the new T400/T500.

Quick note though:  Disable the fingerprint reader, especially if you'll be
using Windows Vista.  I had the fingerprint reader on my laptop for years,
but frankly, I rarely use it, and your system will get better drivers (ie,
SP1).  End of the day, while I thought the fingerprint reader was real
useful at first, you'll likely end up typing your password more than
anything else.  All that said, Vista Business has worked great on my T61P.

If portability is more than an issue than screen view, then go for the 14
inch.  Otherwise, vice-versa.  The 15 inch though, or any widescreen, is too
heavy IMHO.

Best laptops ever though, seriously...


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