[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - time to retire the Thinkpad t42p... anyone know Lenovo's t61p?

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Sat Aug 9 11:37:10 EDT 2008

While I don't have one and my needs are limited for a laptop ( I have a
desktop which I do most of my work on, game on), the next laptop I'm going
to purchase is an eeepc.  Ive been saying for a few years now that laptops
are too bulky and include too much fluff (my current laptop has a serial
printer port...).  Unless you need a ton of power, and the ability to play
games, I'd look at the eeepc.  Light, very good battery life, no fluff.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Daniel Krook <krook at> wrote:

> Hi John,
> > "inforequest" <1j0lkq002 at>
> >
> > On the (excellent) advice of the PHP community almost 4
> > years ago, I
> > bought a Thinkpad t42p. I still love it but it's time to
> > plan retirement.
> >
> > Can anyone recommend the Lenovo t61p as a replacement, or is there
> > something clearly better? No, I'm not going to switch to a
> > mac. Thanks.
> >
> > -=john
> I've ordered five T61s of varying configurations over the past year or so
> for family members using them for various purposes.  They're all pretty
> happy with them.  I'm using a 14.1 widescreen model for work and it's much
> less bulky than the 15.4 screen ones I got for my wife and sister.  I
> normally dock it with larger monitor so the smaller real estate is not as
> much a concern for me.
> There is a shop right across from the 590 Madison meeting location that
> sells them (I'm not sure if it is still the only place they are available
> retail in the city), so it may be worth popping in to have a look at them
> in person.   Or, you could just hop in a cab after Hans and have a look at
> the one he's probably left behind on the back seat :)
> Thanks,
> -Dan
> Daniel Krook
> Senior IT Specialist
> Content Tools Developer - SCSA, SCJP, SCWCD, ZCE, ICDAssoc.
> Global Solutions,
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Brian O'Connor
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