[nycphp-talk] Re: [nycphp-jobs] Freelance Remote PHP/MySQL gig with about 5+ yrs ofexp & good client references

consult at consult at
Sat Aug 9 12:56:55 EDT 2008

Long answer:
I think the majority of PHP engineers on this list are either appalled or simnply don\'t value an immature (un supported claim) notion such as this to warrant a response.

I do recall gettign very agressive over a very similar situation, inwhich it was apparent that it was not founded on reseach, study and investigation, but was the outworkings of emotion and opinion. And as i recall not everyone was happy that i assaulted the topic. =D

Short Answer: Ben, don\'t be the \'best pretty code police\', if he sucks at coding, he\'ll get his just desserts.

I\'m hiring a Junior level programmer, feel free to send me resumes offlist:

Location: Albany NY
Salary: 40-50K
Great opportunity for someone green to get some valuable hands-on experience with a thriving company.

I disagree. This wasn\'t a former employer complaining about a consultant\'s work, this was another consultant, a competitor if you will, stating as fact something that no one can possibly double-check. I think it\'s unfair, and am surprised that, on a list dedicated to helping consultants find jobs, you folks would not be more concerned about it. I think this is the first time I have seen someone in a public forum accuse someone of something and not be called to provide proof of their claims. Very puzzling.

No one knows what the job requirements were, what the client\'s expectations were, or what the budget was. Did the client provide enough time and budget to have the job done right, or did they just say, \"Get it done for next to nothing,\" and then when they realized the short-sidedness of their approach, hire Ben to clean up the mess rather than go back to the developer they low-balled and admit that they didn\'t give him enough time and $$ to do the job correctly. We don\'t know. Ben won\'t even tell the list who the client was or produce evidence of the inferior work. So to my mind, this whole thread is quite unfair to the developer who originally posted his availability and should be dropped.

Finally, as you read this, please keep in mind that we are a company that  employs people on this list, that\'s why I subscribe. I have employed developers here in the US and in six other countries. I find *no* geo-political differences in coding skills. We evaluate developers based on samples, client references and their ability to follow directions. I have had more than a few developers who are so focused on developing \"great code\" that they completely ignore the project specs, budget and time-lines. Those people don\'t last long, but people who follow directions do.

Again, without knowing the original assignment that Sundar was given and what went on between he and the client at that time, facts which I doubt even Ben knows, we really can\'t draw any useful conclusions nor should we try.

Just my $.02.


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