[nycphp-talk] calculating state taxes?

bzcoder bzcoder at
Thu Aug 14 06:45:53 EDT 2008

bzcoder wrote:
> Jerry B. Altzman wrote:
>>  As far as I can tell, NY is making any "large" retailer ANYWHERE 
>> nowadays collect and submit sales tax to NYS on your behalf. vis. 
> Bad example, Amazon has a distribution center in Queens.  I think 
> their arguement was along the lines "we have products stored there, we 
> fufill orders from there, but technically a shell company owns it so 
> it's not a presence".
> _______________________________________________
My mistake, I had not heard about that affiliate business - so as I 
understand it, in order not to send states selling outside NYS fleeing, 
NY State law only applies to companies with a sales outlet/office in New 
York.  So that distribution center doesn't matter.

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