[nycphp-talk] connecting external site to craigslist for auto posting?

Ben Sgro ben at
Fri Aug 15 11:04:46 EDT 2008


I wrote a script that searches craigslist (by category and/or location) 
for words defined within a reference set.
If it finds enough words greater than some predetermined threshold, it 
will send an email to the poster.

It keeps track of which posts it has seen and responded to.

Its written in perl and I will give the source to those that can be 
responsible with it. It doesn't do what your asking, it does the opposite,
but its cool non the less.

Say your looking for a used bike, specialized, between 500 and 1000 $ 
any where in New York.

You would define a reference set that's like, "specialized mountain bike 
=> 4, mountain bike => 1, specialized => 2, etc"
where the first value is the word, and the second is the weight.

You then set it up via cron to run every hour and you create a generic 
email to send to people. Also have it copy yourself.

This way, you don't have to spend anytime searching through craigslist 
for the item your looking for.

- Ben

Edward JS Prevost II wrote:
> It can be done... but I don't think it's legal actually. I'd check the 
> terms of service on the main craigslist page.
> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>> Has anyone ever seen this done or heard that it has been done with 
>> PHP?  I have someone who wants this done, and don't want to get 
>> involved if it's not possible.
>> Thanks!
>> -------------------
>> Kristina
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